If I wanted to change my lifestyle forever, first, I needed to stop getting new things. These are things i told myself:
Don't buy when:
1. you are bored and need entertainment;
2. you are not planning on it, or by chance;
3. you feel you "need to have it" 'cause it is so pretty or cute;
4. you don't have an immediate use for it;
5. you have the same thing at home which is older but in working order, and you just want to get a newer model;
6. something will do a similar job to what you already have, being redundant;
7. it is almost perfect, but no cigar;
8. just because it is on sale, is cheap, or even free;
9. you think you might use it in the future;
10. just because you think it worked well for someone else;
11. it is a single use item; its function does not take a significant amount of time in your daily life;
By the way, I am not just talking paying for things., I mean any kind of a way you bring it into the house!
The next step was to start getting rid of things I had accumulated over the years. Here is what I told myself:
Get rid of it IF:
1. you forgot you had it;
2. your lifestyle changed and you have not had a need for it or used in a long time;
3. its only value is in the memory you connect it with
4. you feel you will betray the gifter if you got rid of it;
5. it is broken and you have not had the thought of fixing it in a long time;
6. its size or presence interferes with your daily activities and slows you down, or weighs you down;
7. there are more than one of the same item;
8. it has been stored in a long time, and lead a miserable lonely life in a garage or the attic;
I do not mean just throwing things into the trash. That would not solve any problems, just redirect them. I have given some things away, sold some, recycled some, threw away real trash.